Cross listed with MSBS 4010S - taught at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School by Dr. George Mulheron. Permission of Graduate Program Director Required.
Description: Human anatomy at the macroscopic level focuses on the peripheral nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and gastrointestinal systems. Cadaver dissections including the back and spinal cord, upper limb, thorax, and abdomen.
This course allows Anthropology PhD students to be trained appropriately in gross anatomy, which is critical training for evolutionary or biological anthropology PhDs.
Course fee to be announced soon. (See GPD or Anthropology Department.)
Schedule somewhat irregular. See link to spring 2020 schedule below for lecture and lab times and topics. Lecture locations are subject to change, but dates and times are accurate.
document 070:595 Gross Anatomy Spring 2020 Schedule - RWJMS (20 KB)