Emeritus Faculty
Myron Aronoff
- Professor Emeritus, SAS
- Specialization: Comparative Politics; Political Anthropology/Ethnography; Middle East (Israel/Palestine)
- Degree and University: PhD U Manchester 1969; PhD Pol Sci UCLA 1976
- mjaranoff@gmail.com
- https://www.polisci.rutgers.edu/cb-profile/maronoff
Robert J. Blumenschine
- Prof Emeritus, Evolutionary Anthropology
- Professor of Anthropology
- Specialization: Old World prehistory, zooarcheology, hominid ecology and social organization; Africa
- Degree and University: B.A. in Anthropology, Wesleyan University; Ph.D. in Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley
- rjblumenschine@gmail.com
Robin Fox
- University Professor
- Specialization: Kinship and marriage, evolution of behavior, social theory; N Amer, northwestern Europe
- Degree and University: PhD, University of London, 1965
- rfox@anthropology.rutgers.edu
Daniel Goldstein
- Professor Emeritus, SAS
- Specialization: Political and legal anthropology, urban anthropology, critical anthropology of security, immigration, democracy, violence and crime, human rights, globalization, cultural performance, indigenous peoples and the state; Latin America, the Andes and United States.
- Degree and University: PhD, University of Arizona, 1997
- daniel.goldstein@rutgers.edu
John W.K. Harris
- Professor, SAS
- Specialization: Old World prehistory, human origins, lithic analysis, archeological method and theory; Africa
- Degree and University: PhD, University of California-Berkeley, 1978
- jwharris@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
Angelique Haugerud
- Professor Emeritus, SAS
- Specialization: Political and economic anthropology, cultural politics, political satire, social movements, democracy, politics of development, land tenure, research methods; Africa, U.S.
- Degree and University: PhD, Northwestern U, 1984
- haugerud@anthropology.rutgers.edu
Fran Mascia-Lees
- Professor, SAS
- Specialization: Body/embodiment, politics and aesthetics, phenomenologies of capitalism, consumer culture, cultural politics, critical ethnography and ethnographic writing, cultural representation, gender/race/difference and global inequalities; culture and desire; history and theory of anthropology; US
- Degree and University: PhD, SUNY-Albany, 1983
Louisa Schein
- Professor Emeritus, Anthropology and Women's and Gender Studies, SAS
- Specialization: Cultural politics, ethnicity, critical race studies, nationalism and transnationalism, diaspora, sexuality and gender, masculinity and violence, representation, media studies and activism, documentary production, postcoloniality, postsocialism; China, US, Asian Americans, Southeast Asia, Hmong; China, Asian American, US
- Degree and University: PhD, U California-Berkeley, 1993
- schein@emeritus.rutgers.edu
Warren Shapiro
- Professor Emeritus, SAS
- Specialization: Kinship, pseudo-procreative theory, the ethnographic study of human nature, history of anthropology, primitivism; Aboriginal Australia, lowland S America
- Degree and University: PhD, Australian National University, 1969
- warshap7@aol.com
Horst Dieter Steklis
- Professor Emeritus
- Specialization: Primatology, mountain gorilla behavior and conservation, biological mechanisms of primate social behavior; Central and E Africa
- Degree and University: PhD UC Berkeley, 1974
- steklis@email.arizona.edu
Heather Strange
- Professor Emeritus, SAS
- Specialization: Cultural anthropology, culture and aging, gender issues; SE Asia
- Degree and University: PhD, New York, 1971
Lionel Tiger
- Charles Darwin Prof of Anthropology, SAS
- Specialization: Political structures, sociosexual roles, ethology, human nature, biology of human behavior, the kibbutz, human aggression, social uses of food, industrial society
- Degree and University: PhD, University of London, 1962
- ltiger@anthropology.rutgers.edu
Andrew P. Vayda