The Master of Arts in Anthropology provides an opportunity for students to develop a strong theoretical foundation in the field of anthropology in either of our two graduate programs: Critical Interventions in Theory and Ethnography (CITE) or Evolutionary Anthropology (EA). M.A. students take most of the required courses for their program and participate as full members in the many other activities of the graduate program such as the Department Lecture Series, Wednesday Workshops, and Anthropology Graduate Student Association. Students who successfully complete the MA program may apply to the Ph.D. program but are not guaranteed admission.


The program consists of 30 credits, which may be fulfilled in one of the following ways:

  1. Completing 24 credits of course work (including required courses as per the chosen track), writing a six-credit thesis, and passing an oral exam on the thesis administered by the members of the student’s committee. Students opting for this track may not take more than one independent study in their 24 credits of coursework.
  2. Completing 30 credits of course work (including required courses as per the chosen track) and passing a written comprehensive examination given and evaluated by members of the student's committee.  Comprehensive exams consist of five or six questions, out of which the student is required to answer three within a three-hour period. Students opting for this track may not take more than two independent studies in their 30 credits of course work.

M.A. students will be assigned a faculty advisor who will help them select courses and design a program of study to best meet their interests and aspirations.  Most students will complete the MA in three or four semesters (9 credits or 3 courses is considered “full-time”).

Advisors and Committees

M.A. committees must consist of the students’ advisor and at least two other faculty members (at least one of whom be from the Graduate Faculty in Anthropology).  A student’s M.A. committee may include an outside faculty member, but this is not required.


Unfortunately, we are unable to provide funding support in the form of fellowships or teaching assistantships to terminal M.A. students.  M.A. student may, however, apply for small amounts of funding from the department to support research, if they conducting research for their thesis.  For information about tuition and fees, please visit see tuition rates for  “New Brunswick Campus Graduate Students sheet”  here.

Application Procedures and Deadlines

Students who wish to be considered for the M.A. Program must apply by January 1st using the online application system. Please review the Application Procedures for Graduate Program in Anthropology for further information.

For more information, please contact Dr.Erin Vogel, Graduate Program Director, Department of Anthropology at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 848-932-9277.