All students in the program are reviewed annually by the Graduate Faculty in Anthropology in a meeting held every spring. Students are informed of this review in writing by the Graduate Director in late January and asked to complete an Annual Review Evaluation Form, which they then forward to their advisor for comments. Students are also asked to make any additions or changes to their files or records at least two weeks prior to the date of the review meeting, which usually takes place in March. The faculty reviews the Annual Review Evaluation Form, compares notes on their own knowledge of the students, checks the records, and evaluates all students in the program. The Graduate Director informs all students of these assessments in writing and makes sure students acknowledge receipt of the letters, especially when the letter includes an important deadline or ultimatum.
Students making clear progress toward their degree and who have a majority of As in their coursework are likely to be positively evaluated. Students may receive negative evaluations if they are making slow or uncertain progress toward their degree, have a majority of Bs or B+s in their coursework (and/or any grade of less than B), or have two or more "temporary" or "permanent" incompletes. Students with more than six credits below B in their first 30 credits will be considered on probationary status in the Program, and will be reviewed with special care (the Graduate School does not allow a student to earn a masters degree with more than nine credits below B). In addition, a student with two or more temporary incompletes on his/her overall graduate record will not be allowed to register for additional courses in anthropology. If a student is not performing adequately, he or she is informed of the problems and given a specified time to resolve them. If the student does so, he or she is returned to good standing. If the student does not resolve the problems, the Graduate Faculty may, after full consultation with the student’s advisors and committee members, notify the student by certified letter of their recommendation to the Dean to terminate him or her from the Graduate Program. The student may file an appeal in writing to the Graduate Director within 30 days of receipt of this notification. The appeal will be handled according to the procedures outlined in the Graduate Program By-Laws.