Many graduate students at the university receive some measure of financial aid from the Rutgers University Office of Financial Aid. The amount of support a student receives depends in part, of course, upon the availability of funds. (Availability of support is often dependent upon the specific graduate program and degree status.) Support ranges from grants covering tuition charges to Graduate Fellowships, which are sufficient to pay all education and living expenses. The sources of support include university funds, federal and state government funds, corporate and individual bequests to the university, and grants from education and scientific foundations. A booklet, "Guide to Financial Aid at Rutgers," is available from the Financial Aid Office, Records Hall, College Avenue Campus; (732) 932-7868. An online guide, "Financial Aid for Graduate Students," is also available, and all of the necessary forms can be downloaded from the Rutgers Financial Aid Office's website.
More information about fellowships and assistantships awarded by the University can be found on pp.11-14 of the Rutgers University/New Brunswick Graduate Catalog.
Departmental Teaching Assistantships (TAs)
The Department offers most TA assignments as part of multi-year financial packages that include fellowships. Any remaining TA'ships are awarded competitively within the program, in the spring, for the following academic year.
More information about TA assignments, fellowships, Bigel Fellowships for summer fieldwork, and other funding opportunities can be found in the pdf Department of Anthropology's Graduate Handbook (1.22 MB) .
External Grants and Fellowships
Some graduate students at the university are supported by fellowships funded by sources outside the university. As soon as students have a sense of the direction of their work, they should begin exploring sources of research funding. First-year students are encouraged to apply for pre-doctoral grants such as those funded by the Mellon Foundation, the National Science Foundation , the Ford Foundation, or the Jacob Javits Fellowship Program. Faculty members can offer guidance, but students should also familiarize themselves with the various published guides available in the library. The Alexander Library reference desk has a brochure listing books available on scholarships, grants, foundations, etc. The Foundation Center (now called Candid Center Northeast) has offices in New York City and offers an extensive amount of information on grant programs, etc. Another excellent source of assistance and information about graduate grantmanship is Rutgers' Chaser program. This program is designed expressly to aid Rutgers' graduate students in identifing grant sources and to help them through the grant application process.
One particularly good source of information is